
2007-04-30 3:15 am
1) 二手樓的經紀佣金, 通常可減至多少?(買及賣樓)
2) 有無人知一手樓的經紀可得到多少佣金? 若議價, 通常可要求回贈多少? 本人試過可回贈樓價的1.5%.

回答 (3)

2007-04-30 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 二手樓佣金
即一百萬的樓 服務佣金係一萬元

2) 一手樓一般來講係 2% 有些發展商什至1%都有
若然回贈1.5% 己經很高了

ps: 人地都係打工姐 二手樓收1%係公價,,,冇收多你
你要減經紀佣金 即係迫佢收少點薪水 講真呀,,,,你係個經紀
一個客比足1% 一個客戶只肯比七折,,,,你會幫邊一個多點呀?

另外一手樓要回贈 同例子一一樣 發展商2% 其實係幫客戶付埋佣金
好多時做成一單交易 分分鍾半年至一年後才有佣出架
站在客戶的立場 當然係想比少點錢
但換轉角度 你工作做足十分 月尾發薪水時老闆同你講只比七折人工你
參考: 自己
2007-04-30 10:39 am
that is the reason why you using '匿名' !

you want FREE LUNCH ! or get more jasso.
real estate agents work hard for you and you planned to pay less!?

very agree with former two answers. you stick to a little jasso and will lose a big bonus. few or no agent will really want to work for you. even have, once they find another good landlord or buyer, they will jump over to it. it is very fair.

i pay 100% commission, sometimes with extra bonus. so they will call me at once if found budget listings. be adult la.
2007-04-30 8:23 am
本人係極之反對減佣, 別人用力幫你做買賣, 你就減人地佣, 人地會幫邊個? 人地食乜野飯?
我出貨未試過減人佣, 只有比多, 買一手樓, 人地幫你取貨, 身水身汗, 你走去叫人回佣, 有無人性? 食餐飯姐, 得你著收晒, 無咁so 的, 你要小心
參考: 不知所謂

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