可以幫我用英文講以下呢段文嗎?(10 points)

2007-04-30 1:07 am
經過我們一組的討論後,我們最後的決定是選擇了旺角的新世紀廣場來organzie an event的,

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 3:02 am
After our discussion, we finally decide to organise an event in the New Century Plaza in Mongkok.

Everyone of us analyze different kinds of information carefully before coming up with this decision. For example, we carry out an interview to collect how people think of the New Century Plaza. Besides, we collect reliable facts on Internet, in library, by leaflets and by field trips. All the information collected is beneficial to our report.

The analysis and reasons of choosing the New Century Plaza are illustrated as below.
參考: myself
2007-04-30 1:23 am
After we group of discussions, our final decision was choosing Grand Century Place in Mong Kok to analyze this result, each member of our group analyzed each kind of material to make this decision .For example, Using the questionair to collect the peoples' opinion of Grand Century Place.Moreover, we also collected some reliable material in the internet ,library,the propaganda single sheet and on-the-spot investigation.All sorts of materials help to finish this report . That all the analysis and the opinion to choose Grand Century Place and Mong Kok .
參考: 自己

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