足球術語(English and Chinese)

2007-04-30 12:40 am
足球術語(English and Chinese)
Plz explain this both in English and Chinese.
(List point),簡而精,握要,English and Chinese
黃牌(yellow card)………………….…
紅牌(red card)………………………..
角球(corner kick)…………………….
罰球(penalty kick)……………….…..
傷停時間(injury time)………………..
自由球(free kick)………………….…
球門球(goal kick)…………………....
合法衝撞(fair charge)……………….

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 醫院波------ 唔到腳的波, 隨時俾人踢傷 / 傳球尺寸差,容易令隊友受傷
2) 收山腳 ------- 顧名思義 一腳收你皮
3) 炒芥蘭 ------- 兩隻腳一齊炒埋一齊 即係撞埋一齊
4) 開汽水----- 噓
5) 磨薑 ------- 響石地場射波時隻腳指俾地下刮親
6) 恰西 ------- offside 越位
7) 地莊-------- 指一支球隊因有太多傷兵,在沒有選擇之下,只好連續場比賽用
8) 高章 -------- 技巧高超, 令人意想不到 / 多數形容後防球員,在對方緊迫下,後
衛又唔大腳解圍, 反而賣弄自己的腳法、傳送,結果俾對方偷去腳下球。
9) 魚生粥 ------- 僅熟, 險勝 (例 1-0, 2-1)
10) 底線傳底 ------- 和仔絕招 左/右 底線斬中 中間冇人頂到個波飛到右/左底線
或底線出波時唔夠腰力, 隊友未能接應個波, 個波已經墜番落底線了
11) 球迷奇遇記 ------ 當眾人以為大局以定時出現估唔到0既賽果
12) 賣老抽 -------- 抽筋
13) 濕手巾 ------- 起勢0甘扭波
14) 叉燒 ------ chance(原為排球術語)
15) 上五吋、下五吋 ------- 自己搵把尺度下自己小腿
16) 鵝眉月 ------- 禁區對出既半月形位置/蛾眉月---由十碼點劃出一個
17) 口趙 ---- 射門
18) 哨 ------- 球員不停走動
19) jit ------- 腳面"cheuk"高個波?
20) 腳腳七注 ------- 意思應該係用盡力狂抽
21) 七個一皮 ------- 7 : 1, 大比數
22) 掛網 ------ 形容入球掛網而入
23) 痾蛋 ------- 守門員接波甩手, 並從胯下將波漏入網
24) 牛油手 ------- 龍門線手, 經常接唔到波
25) 暖水壺 ------- 戰術一種,"暖水壺係咁滾",即不斷用高空球放至對方禁區務求"滾"得入球
26) 踩波車-------- 球員不小心踩著足球後失去平衡
27) 手榴彈----- 大力將波擲入禁區
28) 掘---------指球員在邊/底線大力斬波去禁區的腳部動作,如同用鏟掘地的動作一樣
29) 彈琵琶 -------- 指龍門想抱住個波,不過抱唔實片左去兩邊
30) 三閘線----- 將球場平分為三分,約略所得出的界線
31) 插花 ------- 形容球員控球用腳左穿右插, 避開對方爛截意圖扭過對方
32) 執死雞 ------- 形容入球補中, 多於己方首次試射未能入球, 於未有其他球員作出反應時及時施射入球
33) 推左走右 ------ 運球者把皮球踢向攔截者的一側, 自己卻向另一側走過, 以
34) 通坑渠 ------ 形容帶波時, 球穿過對方球員兩腳之間
35) 入埋大細龍 ------- 形容入球穿過守門員兩腳之間(細龍) 及入龍門(大龍)
36) "初"波 ------ Football skill. Place bottom of foot on top of ball and make it roll,either forward, backward or sideways to trick defender.
37) "猜"波------ 隊友之間不斷傳球
38) k角位------ 由龍門中央到大禁區角所形成的直線,因與底線成一K字,故得名
39) 拉西---- 用腳將個波加旋轉
40) 躂Q ------ 形容交波/斬波/射球時腳不應球, 使球受力不足或該變方向
41) 插水 ------- 扮野, 多指扮作球員跌下搏罰球, 狀似插水
42) 擦鞋仔波 ------- Running around in the field, trying to get hold of the ball, but obvious to everybody that such effort is useless. Action to please the manager only.
43) 炒飛機------ 通常指射門高出目標甚多
44) 紅牌阿姑 ------ 球員食紅牌
45) 波係圓既 ------ 評述員以此說明球賽未到最後難說勝負
2007-04-30 1:34 am
越位(offside) -
Offside indicates that a player cannot gain an advantage by waiting for the ball near the opposing goal with only the goalkeeper between him and the goal.

黃牌(yellow card) -
Indicates a caution to a player who has committed certain types of misconduct which isn't considered as serious as being sent-off.

紅牌(red card) -
a red card is used to indicate that a player has been sent-off as punishment for serious misconduct.

角球(corner kick) -
A corner kick is awarded to the attacking team when the ball leaves the field of play by wholly crossing the goal line (either on the ground or in the air) without a goal having been scored, having been last touched by a defending player.

罰球(penalty kick) -
A penalty kick is a type of free kick taken from twelve yards out from goal and with only the goalkeeper of the defending team between the penalty taker and the goal. A penalty kick may be awarded when a defending player commits a foul punishable within their own penalty area.

傷停時間(injury time) -
The official timekeeper may make an allowance for time lost through substitutions, injured players requiring attention, or other stoppages. This added time is commonly referred to as stoppage time or injury time.

自由球(free kick) -
A free kick is a method of resuming play in various forms of football, including Indirect free kick and Direct free kick. An indirect free kick is a method of restarting play in a game of soccer. A goal may not be scored directly from the kick. A direct free kick is a method of restarting play in a game of association football (soccer) following a foul. A goal may be scored directly against the opposing side without the ball having first touched another player.

球門球(goal kick) -
A goal kick is awarded to the defending team when the ball leaves the field of play by wholly crossing the goal line (either on the ground or in the air) without a goal having been scored, having been last touched by an attacking player.

合法衝撞(fair charge) -
When the players are running for the ball together (no one suddenly stop and stand there in order to hit him and not allow the player to run).
When a player tackle the ball with touching the ball (although maybe the player will fall).

鏟球(tackle) -
In most cases this move is one that prevents an opposing player from carrying out what they intend.

2007-04-29 17:37:28 補充:
合法衝撞(fair charge) - Fair charge is refers to the ball in both sides control area and in the equal opportunity situation. 合理衝撞是指球在雙方控制範圍內和在機會均等的情況下,用肩部做力量適當的和不帶危險性的衝撞動作。合理衝撞的目的在於爭球;球必須在雙方控制範圍之內;衝撞時必須以肩以下、肘關節以上的體側部位去衝撞對方的相同部位;衝撞力量要適當,不得猛烈和帶有危險性;衝撞時手臂不得伸展。

2007-04-29 17:37:38 補充:
鏟球(tackle) - In most cases this move is one that prevents an opposing player from carrying out what they intend.The word is used in some contact sports to describe the act of physically holding or wrestling a player to the ground. 對鏟球的判罰原則是:凡是先鏟到球,沒有附加動作而使對方摔倒,為不犯規;反之,先鏟到對方,再觸到球,則判為犯規。
參考: (most)wikipedia + (some definition)myself

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