救命ar~有冇人識ar??SBA group discussion --- Romeo and Juliet

2007-04-30 12:00 am
1) describe the climax (the most interesting/exciting scene)of the book

2)describe an experience which is similar to what happens in the story

3)discuss how ur opinion about certain things has changed after reading the book .

請盡量回答吧.. >< 唔該各位幫幫忙!!!!
個discussion 成25 mins ga.一定要多D野 T^T..

回答 (1)

2007-05-02 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) there are several climaxes in this play
1st its when romeo and juliet fell inlove when they first saw each other in a party and romeo went to the balcony of juliet and hear her speak out her feelings about romeo and created the balcony scene
2nd is when juliet pretended her death and sent a letter to romeo but then the letter didnt get to romeo in time. and when romeo saw the "dead" body of juliet he killed himself for the cause of love and when juliet woke up from her "death" she realise romeo didnt get the letter and killed herself

2) 如果係真係發生係你身上先講or你可以話係你朋友既experience
- romeo and juliets love at first sight
- two families hating each other as if they were live enimies and not allowing their children to know each other
- important news get delivered to someone late which makes everything changed at the end
- revenge for family or friends
- pride in family, to stand for the family because u r responsible
- doing things against the family just for the cause of love

3) - seeing that romeo and juliet fall inlove and knowing that its impossible to have a future, i learned that if i was to love someone i would know more of the person's background before falling in love
- do not trust love in first sight because the whole play only happened within several days and what if the play was on for longer then mayb they would have regretted loving each other
- always stand for your family, although it might seem as if they dont care for you on the suface but deep inside they are still your family, if your dead they would grieve and be very upset
- love might be important to some people but then family and authority would be other people's priority
- revenge might not be the best thing because after one revenge another one will continue and it will never end and the worst comes to the worst that people get injured or killed
參考: me

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