
2007-04-29 11:33 pm
在我的大學生活,需經常分組完成group project,有些組員出席會議和付出的努力也比較少,以致我們很不滿,而經過談判後,我們才明白他們的難處,原來他們都有著合理的原因,他們都受著家庭,工作等等的問題阻滯,我們傾談過後才得以更加體諒和遷就對方


回答 (2)

2007-04-30 2:00 am
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In my university life, I have done a lot of group projects. Sometimes, we are frustruated because some groupmates seldom attend our meetings and pay little effort. After negoatiations, we finally understand their difficulties which I think, are reasonable. Their difficulties are usually realted to family, work etc. After taliking with each other, we learn to be considerate and passionate towards one another.

We cannot control the external factors but I learn to try my best to seek for solutions to overcome some difficulties which seem to be unchangeable and I believe that we will finally overcome them. Then, it will be good for all three.
參考: Myself
2007-04-29 11:39 pm
In mine university life, must frequently group completes g r o u p p r o j e c t, some groups of attend the conference and pays diligently also quite few, so that we are very discontented, after but passes through the negotiations, we only then understood their difficulty, originally they all have the reasonable reason, they all receive the family, the work and so on the question are hindering, after we have a heart-to-heart talk only then have been able even more to forgive and to give in to opposite party Even if the external environmental factor we are unable to control, but at this event, I realized even if encounters the difficulty which is unable to change, so long as diligently seeks the solution we surely to be able to change the situation, now then is to tripartite has the good aspect

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