
2007-04-29 10:43 pm


回答 (3)

2007-04-30 12:47 am
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Description of fruit as below:
1. Apple:
" An apple a day, keeps the doctors away. " This is a well-known proverb (諺語) telling the benefit (益處) of apples.
2. Blueberry (藍莓):
With unique (獨特的) blue colour, this kind of fruit is good to our eyes. Currently (現在), it is quite a popular (受歡迎的) tonic (補劑) with the ingredient (成份) refined (提煉) by blueberry. However, the fruit is rather (幾) expensive. Also, not really so tasty (可口的).
3. Dragon fruit (火龍果):
It is tasteless (無味無道). But, it has a scarlet (鮮紅的) outlook (外表) as well as a beautiful name.
4. Durian (榴槤):
So-called (所謂) the King of Fruit (果皇), it is the Durian. It consists (含有) of much protein (蛋白質). The odor (氣味) is extremely (極度) strong. If you like it, you will enjoy it. But, if u don ' t, you will say it stinking (發出惡臭的).
5. Kiwifruit (奇異果):
Kiwifruit contains plenty of Vitamin C, even by comparison with orange & blackcurrant (黑加侖子). The taste is a bit sour (酸) but it is crispy (酥脆) when biting the tiny (細小) edible (可吃的) seeds (核/種子).
6. Longan (龍眼):
This is a bundle (束) of little round-shaped fruit. Dried (乾) Longan can act as a kind of herbal (草本的) medicine which can help sleep well.
7. Mandarin orange (柑):
It looks like orange. By comparison (比較), it is a bit flat in shape and it is much easier to peel off (剝皮).


Photo sourced fm:
8. Orange:
After a meal (飯餐), we eat oranges. The fibre (纖維) is helpful to digestion (消化) while the vitamins are vital (重要) for our body. Also, a sweet orange is particularly (尤其) delicious.
9. Papaya (木瓜):
There is an old saying that eating Papaya can foster (促進) the breast (乳房) growth. Undoubtedly (毫無疑問), Papaya contains various kinds of vitamin & fibre which are good to health. The Papaya Milk is a perfect match (搭配) of drink.
10. Pear (梨):
There are various (多種) kinds of pear while they all are juicy (多汁), for instance (例如) Golden Pear (水晶梨) and Ya Pear (鴨咀梨).


Golden Pear


Ya Pear
Photos sourced fm:
As a matter of fact (事實上), fruit are essential (必須的) in our daily (日常的) diet (飲食). They provide great nutrition (營養) and vitamins.
As per the Health Dept. 's (衛生署) issue (發佈), the standard (標準的) diet (飲食) is " Two plus three daily " (每日二加三), ie. two portions (份) of fruit and three portions of vegetable.
2007-04-29 11:32 pm
The orange is round and yummy!
2007-04-29 10:55 pm

The apple is red.It is yummy.The taste is sweet .It is beatiful

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