大陸人是否可以在香港開設公司?如可以 須要什麼手續和資料?-

2007-04-29 7:46 pm
開左公司之後 交稅又點計算呢?

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
People either from mainland or from foreign country could open a company in Hong Kong. If the company is a sole proprietor, a local authorised representative must be appointed. If the limited company is a sole director's ( a non-Hong Kong resident ), a local limited company ( legal person ) or a local person ( natural person ) must be appointed as the company secretary. These arrangement so established is for the purposes of communication or serving the company from the Government.

Profits tax is chargable to the company whether the company is owned by a Hong Kong resident or a non-Hong Kong resident. The 'foreigner' is liable to Salary Tax if he/she is receiving salary/director's remuneration from the company. For details of tax rates and computation, please go the web-site of IRD:

2007-05-01 9:30 am
本人承接 理帳報稅,清理積帳,按月按年等。
有意者可電:麥生洽 9652 0052
或電郵 [email protected]

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