'back off " 點解?

2007-04-29 9:10 am
i can't find in dictionary

回答 (5)

2007-04-29 5:40 pm
2007-04-29 1:48 pm
The phase "to back off" is a slang, you use it when somebody keeps on bothering you on certain matter, and you want them to leave you alone so you would tell them to "back off!". You are warning the other person to go away, otherwise there will be some serious consequences! Like you are ready to fight that person, if he doesn't stop bothering you!

ok ma???
2007-04-29 9:21 am
2007-04-29 9:15 am
2007-04-29 9:14 am

我以前o係 australia讀書果時上pe堂教girls防狼,

一邊踢腿,一邊大叫"back off"的!!

hope i can help you!~
參考: me

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