audit~~~我做緊assignement, 但唔識,煩請各位幫手,thx!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-29 8:57 am
我做緊assignement, 但唔識,煩請各位幫手,thx!!!!!!!!!!!!

The separation of operational responsibility from record keeping is meant to prevent different types of misstatement than the separation of the custody of assets from account. Explain the difference in the purposes of these two types of separation of duties. 管帳與管實物的分開,有咩目的,點解要咁做?

回答 (2)

2007-04-29 2:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
管帳與管實物分開的目的. It is a general accepted arrangement for internal control purposes that a person having a custodian function must not be at the same time having a recording function. An independent check could then performed.

What do you think if a cashier having custody of cash, cheques is going to write the company's ledger as well.? Do you think there is a risk of having the amount be misstated in the account e.g. theft or loss of cash, intentional over or under-statement of cash balance for other purposes etc ? If the cashier is allowed to enter the transactions in the account, do you think there is a risk that the record may be improperly recorded? So, in normal arrangement, the cashier is only required to enter the transactions in a cash book. The cash book is then independly checked by the accountant for its accuracy and reliability e.g cash count, correctness, completeness and authorisation before these transactions are entered in the account/ledger of the company.

An independent/check is then performed.
2007-04-29 10:12 am

* 運作審計(作業審計):檢討組織的運作程序及方法以評估其效率及效益。
* 履行審計(遵行審計):評估組織是否遵守由更高權力機構所訂的程序、守則或規條。
* 財務報表審計:評估企業或團體的財務報表是否根據公認會計準則編製,一般由獨立會計師進行。

在香港,財務報表審計亦稱為核數,而會計師事務所則俗稱為會計師樓。 在台灣,財務報表審計亦稱為查核、查帳。




* 財務報表沒有重大錯誤陳述,審計師在沒有保留意見的情況下提供額外資料,常見的情況是公司資不抵債;
* 財務報表沒有重大錯誤陳述,但審計範圍受嚴重限制,或財務報表的編制沒有遵從公認會計準則;
* 財務報表存在重大錯誤陳述;
* 審計師無法對財務報表發表意見。

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