Studying Oversea

2007-04-29 7:59 am
有冇人係外國讀過 or 讀緊英文course?

係邊度讀?讀左幾耐? 學貴幾多?

我今年High Dip. grad.但英文自問唔好,想去外國進修英文,用一年OK ma?

其實我想去英國,但學費同生活費好貴!!!! 唔知有冇一D收費合理既學校呢?



學貴 + 生活費要幾$一年? 如果去英國既話那一個地方比較好,我唔想去London,想去一d小鎮,一來生活費會平d,二來華人少d. 多謝你既意見,無言感激!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-29 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have been studying in the UK for 3 years. My school is one of the top private school in Hertfordshire, so it is very expensive. I am a boarder (live in the school) and the school fee is about £7000 per term (7000 x 14.5 = $101500HKD).

When i first got there, my english wasn't too bad, but my first year was still tough to cope with. Nevertheless, after a year of intensive english training, my english has dramatically improved.

If you are worried about the school fee, you can go to a states school (gramma school, i.e. local school). It is cheaper, but life can be quite tough studying in a states school as bullying is quite common.... >W<

You can go to the following site to check up good schools, it gives you the location, annual results and school fee details.

If you have anymore queries, please feel free to send me a msg via yahoo knowledge.
Hope it helps
2007-04-29 8:04 am
you should go to New Zealand Consulate to get some information before u decide on anythihg

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