
2007-04-29 7:24 am
1) comptitive
2) unemployment
3) Standard of living
4) productivity
5) 2 sides of the same coin

回答 (5)

2007-04-29 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) competitive (adj) ---
i) of or involving competition 比賽的;競爭的
ii) competitive (with sb/sth) = able to do as well as or better than others 不遜於或超過他人
iii) (of people) having a dtrong urge to win (指人) 求勝心切的

2) unemployment (n)[U] ---
i) state of being unemployed 失業;失業狀況
ii) amount of unused labour 失業人數

3) Standard of living (n)[C] ---
i) level of material comfort and wealth enjoyed by a person or group 生活水平

4) productivity (n) [U] ---
i) ability to produce (eg goods or crops); stae of being productive 生產力;多產性
ii) efficiency, esp in industry, measured by comparing the amount produced with the time taken or the resources used to produce it 生產率, 生產效率 (尤指工業的)

5) 2 sides of the same coin (n) ---
i) two ways of thinking of a problem 一體兩面

6) Raw materials (n) ---
i) (often plural) natural product which manufacturinf processes turn into another (通常作複數) 原料

7) capital (n)[C] ---
i) town or city that is the centre of government of a country, state or province 首都;首府;省會
參考: 牛津高階雙解
2007-04-30 4:44 am




5.相同的硬幣的2 面
2007-04-29 11:08 pm
1)com·peti·tive / adjective
used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other:
competitive games / sports Ç Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.

2)un·employ·ment / noun [U]
the fact of a number of people not having a job; the number of people without a job:
an area of high / low unemployment Ç rising / falling unemployment Ç It was a time of mass unemployment. Ç measures to help reduce / tackle unemployment Ç the level / rate of unemployment Ç unemployment benefit / statistics

3)standard of 'living / noun
the amount of money and level of comfort that a particular person or group has

4)prod·uct·iv·ity / noun[U]
the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them:
high / improved / increased productivity Ç Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.

5)2 sides of the same coin
used to talk about two ways of looking at the same situation—more at mind noun, shake noun

6)Raw materials
in its natural state; not yet changed, used or made into sth else

[sing.] a large amount of money that is invested or is used to start a business:
to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000
2007-04-29 7:30 am
1. competitive競爭的;經由競爭的,競爭性的
2. 失業
3. 生活水平
5. 一個硬幣的兩面(指事情的兩面)
2007-04-29 7:29 am
因你串錯了字 1) 比較性
2) 失業
3) 生活水準
4) 生產力
5) 相同的硬幣的2 面

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