✔ 最佳答案
1) competitive (adj) ---
i) of or involving competition 比賽的;競爭的
ii) competitive (with sb/sth) = able to do as well as or better than others 不遜於或超過他人
iii) (of people) having a dtrong urge to win (指人) 求勝心切的
2) unemployment (n)[U] ---
i) state of being unemployed 失業;失業狀況
ii) amount of unused labour 失業人數
3) Standard of living (n)[C] ---
i) level of material comfort and wealth enjoyed by a person or group 生活水平
4) productivity (n) [U] ---
i) ability to produce (eg goods or crops); stae of being productive 生產力;多產性
ii) efficiency, esp in industry, measured by comparing the amount produced with the time taken or the resources used to produce it 生產率, 生產效率 (尤指工業的)
5) 2 sides of the same coin (n) ---
i) two ways of thinking of a problem 一體兩面
6) Raw materials (n) ---
i) (often plural) natural product which manufacturinf processes turn into another (通常作複數) 原料
7) capital (n)[C] ---
i) town or city that is the centre of government of a country, state or province 首都;首府;省會