
2007-04-29 6:49 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 11:36 pm
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Mozart composed 600 compositions throughout his life. He composed over 400 symphonies, the last and greatest being No. 39 in Eb, K543, No. 40 in G minor, K550; and no.41in C, the Jupiter, K551. many other orchestral compositions, divertimenti, serenades, etc.('Eine kline Nacht Musik' is a serenade.)

25 concertos for piano solo, and a number for other instruments, including 5 for violin, 2 for flute, 1 each for oboe, clarinet and bassoon, 4 for horn, and 1 for flute and harp.

A large amount of chamber music, including 23 string quartets and several string quintets,4 flute quartets, 1 oboe quartet, 2 piano quartets and a clarinet quintet.

17 numbered piano sonatas and many other unnumbered fragments and other piano works, such as variations, rondos and fantasies. Many are comparatively early works, and overall of mannerisms.

Large number of operas, the best-known'Idomeneo', 'The Abduction from the Seraglio', 'The marriage of Figaro', 'Don Giovanni', 'Cosi fan Tutte' and 'The Magic Flute'.

A quantity of church music, masses,etc., the finest works being the Requiem Mass, the C minor Mass, 'Exultate jubilate', and 'Ave Verum'.
參考: Score Reading, Form and History by Annie O Warburton
2007-04-29 6:59 am
費加洛婚禮 (Le Nozze di Figaro)

女人皆如此 (Cosi Fan Tutte)

唐.喬凡尼 (Don Giovanni)

後宮誘逃 (Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail)

魔笛 (Die Zauberflote

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