緊急!!!!力學問題 (10分)

2007-04-29 6:48 am
當個司機撞車,有配戴安全帶就唔會拋出車外,而如果個司機冇戴安全帶的話, 個司機就會被拋出車外. 咁我地可以用咩資料同埋理黎解釋呢個現象?



回答 (2)

2007-04-29 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
measure of mass reflect the information of inertia, therefore, whatever force(momentum) or energy approach is used, inertia is still involved.

force equals to rate of change of momentum of a mass, m
to decelerate the driver from a spped, u, to stationary, v=0, an opposing force (normal reaction), F, should be exerted on the driver with a mass, m, by the seat belt.

as the driver is fastened by a seat belt, KE of the driver, m, is converted to the elastic PE of the seat belt.
as KE=0.5mu^2, when KE is lost, u decreases (decelerate).
by the way, the seat belt experiences a tension and is extended. elastic PE is stored in the seat belt and increased. where PE=0.5kx^2

as you see, both approaches involve the evaluation of mass, i.e. inertia.

2007-04-28 23:23:42 補充:
the equation should be:F=ma=m(v-u)/t
參考: myself
2007-04-29 6:53 am
The driver is moving forward originally. If the car suddenly stops, the drive has the inertia to move forward due to its inertia of moving forward/ due to the the Newton's first law ( an object stay at in its state of uniform motion or state of at rest if there is not unbalanced force acting on it).

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