simle, come la!

2007-04-29 5:37 am
1. 預約圖書----讀者人次
2. 預約圖書----圖書
3. 外借閱覽----讀者人次
4. 外借閱覽----圖書
5. 進館人次
6. 其他書名

Translate into English please!

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Appointment book- Number of readers
2.Appointment book- books
3.Lending viewing- Number of readers
4.Lending viewing- books
5.the number of Progressive people
6..other books' names
2007-04-29 3:43 pm
Appointment books---------- Readers
Appointment books----book
Lending viewing ----readers

2007-05-05 18:25:47 補充:
外借閱覽----圖書Lending viewing- books 進館人次the number people其他書名other books' names
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:23:34
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