
2007-04-29 2:21 am

回答 (5)

2007-04-29 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

The rice can eat much, the words can't say literally, facing an enemy to need to be considered more particularly
參考: translate the text by me
2007-04-30 1:25 am

The food may eat,the speech may not casually say,especially needs facing the enemy to ponder.
2007-04-29 2:26 am
飯可以多吃;;the f00d may eat a l0t*
話不可以隨便說;;but the speech may n0t say casually*
面對敵人尤其需要多加思考;;needs facing the enemy t0 p0nder especially

2007-04-29 2:26 am
Don't eat or talk too much, think more especially when facing your enemy

2007-04-28 18:28:15 補充:
sorry, sorry!It should be:You can eat more, but don't talk so much.Think more especially when facing your enemy.
參考: myself
2007-04-29 2:26 am
The meal can be eaten more, the words can not say at will , especially need more thinking in the face of the enemy .

參考: 自己

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