
2007-04-29 2:05 am

回答 (4)

2007-04-29 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The weather is lousy
It's a rainny day
It's foggy
It's cold
It's wet
It's windy
2. The weather is terrific/great/lovely
It's sunny/ It's a sunny day
It's a clear sky
3. He is not a friend
He is not the one to hang out with
He is a jerk
He is a bad influence
4. He is a good man
He is a friend
5. He is over reacted
He is too much
6. ??? lots of different meaning, what in particular
He is trying something
He is doing a trick
7 He has a good mood
He is at his best
It feels great/good
8. He has a bad mood
He is moody
He is very depressing
He feels lousy
2007-04-29 8:21 am
1. Today is rain and thunder day
2. Today is fine and sunny day
3. He is a greedy, mean man
4. He a helpful, handsome man
5. big action
6. He likes to play a little tricker
7. he/she was in a cheerful frame of mind because he get a high mark in the examination.
8. he don't want to eat as he/she was in a bad mood
2007-04-29 6:41 am
1.壞天氣 bad weather
2.好天氣 good weather
3.壞人 bad person
4.好人 nice person
5.大動作 large motion
6.小動作 small motion
7.好心情 good mood
8.差心情 bad mood
2007-04-29 2:12 am
1. The weather isn't great.
2. The weather so good.
3. Bad people.
4. Nice people.
7. Feeingl good or Feeling well.
8. Feeling not good. Feeling so bad.

Sorry, i don't know no. 5 and 6...
參考: myself

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