香港的zip code是什麼?

2007-04-29 12:52 am
香港的zip code是什麼?

回答 (4)

2007-04-29 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港的zip code是852
Zone 8 – East Asia and Special Services

800 – International Freephone (UIFN)
801 – unassigned
802 – unassigned
803 – unassigned
804 – unassigned
805 – unassigned
806 – unassigned
807 – unassigned
808 – reserved for Shared Cost Services
809 – unassigned
81 – Japan
82 – South Korea
83x – unassigned
84 – Vietnam
850 – North Korea
851 – unassigned
852 – Hong Kong (SAR of the People's Republic of China) - see Hong Kong telephone numbering plan
853 – Macau (SAR of the People's Republic of China) -see Macau telephone numbering plan
854 – unassigned
855 – Cambodia
856 – Laos
857 – unassigned
858 – unassigned
859 – unassigned
86 – People's Republic of China (mainland only) - see China telephone numbering plan
870 – Inmarsat "SNAC" service
871 – Inmarsat (Atlantic East)
872 – Inmarsat (Pacific)
873 – Inmarsat (Indian)
874 – Inmarsat (Atlantic West)
875 – reserved for Maritime Mobile service
876 – reserved for Maritime Mobile service
877 – reserved for Maritime Mobile service
878 – Universal Personal Telecommunications services
879 – reserved for national non-commercial purposes
880 – Bangladesh - SubCodes
881 – Global Mobile Satellite System
882 – International Networks
883 – unassigned
884 – unassigned
885 – unassigned
886 – Taiwan, Republic of China - listed by ITU as "Taiwan, China"
887 – unassigned
888 – reserved for future, unknown type of global service
889 – unassigned
89x – unassigned
2007-04-29 1:08 am
我想講香港係冇ZIP code o架
因為ZIP code 僅限於美國本土使用
而852 只係區號而已

我唔想copy哂 wikipedia
自己click hyper-link 慢慢睇喇

何謂ZIP code :


不過 寫o左 作用都不大, 可以唔寫都得噶

2007-04-28 17:09:50 補充:
樓上哪位找的是 List_of_country_calling_codes顧名思義都知道係 國家/地區號碼喇 =.=
參考: wikipedia + [個人理解]
2007-04-29 12:59 am
zip code should be postage code ( no zip at Hong Kong )
2007-04-29 12:56 am
香港的zip code是852

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