
2007-04-29 12:38 am
聽說chin Lit要背很多篇古文,而會考的形式是怎麼樣的?有沒有一些叫常識題的東西?
而Eng Lit就好似話一定要讀Shakespeare,那會考的形式又是怎樣?
如果不用考慮中文和英文的程度,chin lit定eng lit,哪科會較容易取得高分?


回答 (1)

2007-05-01 12:26 pm
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for eng lit, u have to study 1 novel, 1 drama, and a handful of poems. the choice of the set texts entirely depends on ur school but the drama is usually shakespeare.

in the exam, u have to write 1 essay (u will be given two questions to choose from) on the novel and another on the drama. u also have to answer a couple of questions on 2 of the set poems and 1 unseen poem.

another point to note is that the exam is not open book, so u will have to memorise umpteen quotes from ur set texts.

some find eng lit easy as it mostly involves 'blowing water' and u can write anything u like as long as u can back up ur views with concrete examples from the texts. however, some do find it exceedingly difficult cuz even if u have revised hard it doesnt guarantee u a good mark.

for history, as far as i can remember, u will learn about the two world wars and the inter-war period, the cold war, racial conflicts (including the arab-israeli war, yugoslav civil wars, and apartheid in south africa), china (from qing dynasty), hong kong (from when hk came under british control), japan (tokugawa shogunate and so on), the south asian countries (how they were western colonies), and international cooperation (united nations and those sort of things). so u can say the syllabus is rather far stretched.

the exam includes 5 data-based questions (DBQs) and 1 essay question (u have quite a number of choices).

u can get quite good at DBQs after frequent practices and as long as u have prepared like 2 or 3 topics for the essay ur gonna be fine. if ur the sort of person who finds english easier to memorise than chinese then history is the subject for u.
參考: i did eng lit and history for ce last year

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