急,兩個電腦上的問題!!! (Pervx and Windows live Messenger)

2007-04-28 11:30 pm
Pervx:我想購買他們的License Key,但他們叫我輸入Coupon Key,否則無法執行以下程序,請問Coupon Key是什麼?Orz

Windows Live Messenger:無法登入,重裝了也無法登入,錯誤碼:8004888d ,己經無法登入兩天了,Help!!!TAT


回答 (1)

2007-04-29 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
"The real problem is with Zone Alarm version 6.*... The firewall wasn't prepared for the newest futures of Windows Live Messenger 8.1. With Z.A. version 6 even when the IM Security was Disabled the problems with login persisted, that’s because the real problem was the compatibility between the Firewall and WLM latest futures, the firewall blocked important tasks inside the authentication code."

你有冇裝zone alarm 架?如果冇, 我都唔知y啦..

coupon key 姐係一d網上的coupon, 有個code no., 令你買個software 0個時冇discount. 有時呢d係0係你訂左佢0個間公司的newsletter先至有呢d coupon, 一係就係上佢個網, 做左survey 就有...
參考: MSDN FORUM & 自己

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