"唔好 同佢一般見識" 呢句英文該點翻譯?

2007-04-28 8:56 pm

回答 (3)

2007-04-29 2:43 am
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“唔好同佢一般見識” 的英文?
同什麼人講這句說話也好, 用 idiot (笨蛋、傻瓜) 是冒犯了一點。“一般見識” 是比較含蓄、文雅的用詞, 英文可以是 shallow 或 superficial。以 ‘shallow’ 或 ‘superficial’ 形容某人, 是指其見識 ‘膚淺’、論據 ‘淺薄’、思想 ‘缺乏深度’, lacking deep or serious thinking、 (of knowledge, thinking, etc.) not thorough or complete (Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English)。“唔好同佢一般見識” 可說成:“Don't be as shallow as he/she is” 或 “Oh, don't be so superficial as he/she is!”。
此外, 亦可用 ‘empty-headed’ 一詞, 意思是 ‘愚蠢的’、‘沒有頭腦的’, silly、 completely lacking the power of serious thought or feeling (Longman Dict. Of Contemporary English), 但較 idiot 客氣。“唔好同佢一般見識” 是:Now, you don't want to be an empty-headed fellow like him/her, do you?”
2007-04-30 1:46 am
唔好 同佢一般見識
Is not good with his / her / their lowers oneself to the same level.
2007-04-28 9:15 pm
don't be a idiot as he is. ....我諗你係想呢句野同fd講

我諗你都唔會咁同你d長輩講架啦..."唔好 同佢一般見識"
參考: me

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