Is 'need to' a modal auxiliary?

2007-04-28 12:12 pm
e.g. We need to work hard. 'Need to' seems to be an epistemic modal!

回答 (2)

2007-04-28 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
need to並不是助動詞(a modal auxiliary)
need其實也可以作助動詞時,但它助動詞時通常用於否定句或疑問句,並助如may, can等等的助動詞,後面直接跟著動詞便可,並不用to infinitive(to不定詞)。而作助動詞的need,即使主詞為第三人稱單數現在時式,也不可加-s,並且否定形和疑問形也不用do,此外,它後面不接名詞及代名詞,而本身也沒有過去形。
如:He need not come.(他不必來)
I need hardly say that I like you very much.(不用說,我當然非常喜歡你)
You need not have done so.(你並不必這樣做)(need作助動詞)
You did not need to do so.(你不必這樣做)(need 作主動詞)

2007-04-28 10:16:54 補充:
其實你不應將need to連在一起,這句應這樣分:We(subject) need(main verb) [to work] (to infinitive) hard (adverb)
2007-04-28 8:47 pm
'need to' is not a modal auxilliary, it's just used as an ordinary verb here, simply because 'need' is usually followed by the 'infinitive' with 'to'
ie Everyone needs to rest sometimes

Modal auxiliary form:
--> 'need' will followed by an 'infinitve' without 'to'
ie You need not fill in a form.
in this sense, the modal 'need' refers to immediate necessity and give permission but not general necessity or habitual

2007-04-28 12:53:02 補充:
epistemic modal refers to a possibility or estimates likelihood of a fact or eventie He must be on his way to school. fromThe Cambridge Guide to English Usage by Pam Peters
參考: Practical English Usage by Michael Swan

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