Adjective + preposition.........???

2007-04-28 9:42 am
sorry <b>about</b> good <b>at</b> different <b>from</b>
fond <b>of</b>呢d類似既字咁啦~
即係increase <b>in</b>,interest <b>in</b>

回答 (2)

2007-04-28 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
dressed in 穿上
remind sb. of sth.憶起
remind sb. about sth. 提
abide by 服從
be accustomed to = be used to 習慣
account for 解釋
be acquainted with = be familiar with 熟悉
adapt to = adjust to 適應
agree with 同意
apply for 申請
aim at 目標為
carry on 繼續
congratulate on 恭喜
call back 回電話
call up 給...打電話
come across 遇見sb.
come up with = think of 想出
cling to 緊抱
compare with 比較
confess to 承認
consist of 由...組成
convict of 定罪
dispose of 處理,棄置
do with 想要
be fed up with 極度厭惡
fall behind 落後
fall in love with 愛上sb.
fall to 開始做sth.
dismiss from 解僱
drop in 順路訪問
eliminate from 去除
be engaged in 參與
exchange for 交換
get rid of 擺脫
keep an eye on 注意
go along with 贊同
go under 破產
keep down 鎮壓
keep up with 跟得上
fit for 適合
heal of 治癒
make up 作
make a joke about sb. = make a fool of sb. = play a trick on sb. 愚弄sb.
make up to 討好
face up to 面對
feel like 想做sth.
figure out 明白
hang on to 不變
interfere with 妨礙
interfere in 干涉
lay out 設計
live up to 達到
put up with 忍耐
run along 離開
persist in 堅持
2007-04-28 6:35 pm

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