
2007-04-28 8:51 am
而MTR將與九鐵合併,合併後亦可令兩鐵既資源集中減低成本,例如管理及兩鐵維修服。令乘客可以得到更完善的服務,以及享有更好的society benefits.


回答 (1)

2007-04-28 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
你知唔知道你段嘢一啲都唔容易攪? (可能你都知) 原本想唔翻譯架喇, 真系丫.. 得嗰5分x2.

不過, 我好奇想寫吓有關「兩鐵合併」文章, 先幫你做左個翻譯.
但系, 你段中文message我唔系太明白.. Anyway,.. 你自己睇吓啦.. 英文方面唔100%正確都99%.

MTR Corporation is a public utility. After MTR was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in year 2002, private investors were pull-in as its shareholders owning part of the authorities turning into privatization partially.

Private utility is obliged by the HKSAR government, which acquires sponsorship from the government for offering favorable ticket fare to public, in addition to constraint fare increment unreasonably as well as to avoid jeopardizes passengers benefit.

Because of such privatization in MTR, it enables to acquire funds easily interpreting its scope enhancement, in order to provide conditions and services to passengers perfectly.

「不過因公營公司受政府管理所以減少企業發展及競爭力,而且決策經政府管理令決策遲遲未能推行。」==> 有啲怪.. 唔知點講.. 因為之前都無講兩合併, 突然又講決策… well..
However, the effectiveness of its development and competitiveness are relatively diminished, due to the obligation. Moreover, the strategic decisions are made through the government apparently slow that the accomplishment.

「而MTR將與九鐵合併,合併後亦可令兩鐵既資源集中減低成本,例如管理及兩鐵維修服。令乘客可以得到更完善的服務,以及享有更好的society benefits」
The decision of merging MTR and KCR, it enables to collaborate resources and lower its expenses in terms of management and maintenance. It results to enhance its services as well as society benefits to passengers.

「廣告可以令乘客對mtr既印象加深,因為好多時乘客係mtr睇過廣告而對廣告產生興趣從而可以在mtr得知更多新事物,令乘客對mtr印象加, 而且mtr依家都出左好多有關mtr的宣傳廣告,例如mtr的使用方法,安全意識,令乘客可以清楚了解mtr乘搭的方法以及減少乘客在mtr發生意外」==> 太長, 好悶呢~~ 同上一段好唔夾, 好怪
By using advertisement as propaganda, it deepens passengers’ impression against MTR in addition to advance passengers’ knowledge. In which, MTR has delivered the application of its facilities and the consciousness of safety recently through the advertisements, which allows passengers understanding to prevent or decrease potential accidents.

2007-04-28 03:29:51 補充:
更正 : Private utility is obliged by the HKSAR government, which acquires sponsorship from the government for offering favorable ticket fare to public, in addition to be constrained fare increment unreasonably by the government avoiding jeopardizes passengers benefit.

2007-04-28 03:32:47 補充:
更好SUGGESTION (最後一段) : By using advertisement as propaganda, it deepens passengers’ impression against MTR in addition to advance passengers’ consciousness of safety and applications of facilities. It allows passengers understanding of potential accidents prevention.
參考: my knowledge

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