bank of 三潘市

2007-04-28 7:49 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-28 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我因為有同样需要而問過所有銀行.答案都係唔可以(連匯豐銀行都唔得).因為Bank 嘅computer system 唔一樣.只可以做匯款.
唯一方法係,入錢个方開户口.將提款咭寄俾收錢个方襟机.在美國襟机時收US $1-$3,睇边間銀行.香港我試過恆生唔收.其他收$10-$30.

2007-05-03 10:43:00 補充:
樓下那位是否親身試過自己提錢,我並非對你質疑.只是本人亦有此需要.故曾經問過匯豐、恒生、東亞等在美國有分行之香港銀行.全部答案都是否定.老實說我並沒有問B.A. 因為我記得很久以前,B.A.己把香港業務:美銀(亞洲)賣走.所以香港同美國B.A.應該同老細.所以如你所說屬實,就十分奇怪.請多錫教!

2007-05-03 10:50:49 補充:
剛剛到過 發現香港B.A.都冇咗.只有message 如下: 美國銀行(亞洲) 有限公司現已成為中國建設銀行股份有限公司全資附屬機構,並決定易名為「中國建設銀行(亞洲) 股份有限公司」。本行網站亦已更改為。請問有否人知現在HK是否還有 Bank of America 分行?

2007-05-04 03:42:38 補充:
I e-mailed to BA and they reply back as message below:Thank you for your inquiry dated 5/3/07 regarding Bank of America branches. We will be happy to assist you. Unfortunately, we do not have banking centers outside of the United States.
2007-05-02 2:57 pm
well..... since i live in SF
and...... i see the guy above me gives out some kinda misleading info
i actually used to have a Bank of America account.
and i had no problem of making deposit or withdrawing my money in HK.

maybe the guy above me has some other smaller bank.
like those chinese bank, such as Bank of Orient, United Saving , etc.

but for sure Bank of American is ok! and i think those bigger names shouldn't be any problem. like HSBC, Citibank, etc...
2007-04-28 8:34 am
bank of america
chase mahattan
if u could open an account in Hong Kong for non american only. then u could write checks on that account and make deposit in Hong Kong

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