
2007-04-28 7:41 am
↑ 呢句英文意思係乜?.?~ 或者大概的意思IS OK

回答 (6)

2007-04-28 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
離別相思苦 = (起碼倆人,不一定是男女或情人)離別後,彼此思念之情,為之痛苦。
The painful dreaming of each other after aparted. (dreaming 在此解作思念入夢)
簡化後便是 The painful dreaming after aparted.

2007-05-02 14:06:47 補充:
another saying is
the painful memory recall between(among) the aparted.
採用between/ among視乎人數
參考: my understanding
2007-04-29 6:01 am
The departure longs for a bitterness
2007-04-28 10:54 pm
Some of you are dreams come painful after aparted.
2007-04-28 6:37 pm
2007-04-28 9:15 am
It was so painful if you should separate with your friend or lover. You will feel so sad as you can't easily see he/she again. You only think about what he/she do now.
2007-04-28 8:00 am
Separation is painful.
參考: my opinion

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