
2007-04-28 3:20 am

回答 (1)

2007-04-28 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
"369 for Palm" is a antique Chinese game,
Over 30 years history !
You can play with your Palm NOW !

Not need to learn how to play, just POINT it !!

"369 for Palm" not alike with other chess games,
each game of the total marks for winner and loser are different,
you can enjoy it any time and any times
369 for Palm 是一個很久以前的棋子類遊戲,
歷史已超過三十年 !
現在您可與您的電腦對戰了 !

不用特別學習怎樣玩, 只需向它 "點" 就是 !

百玩不厭 !

Playing instruction:

Point a grid as one player and one player, point the pointing grid not let opponent get marks. (Tips: do not point a grid beside other grid already pointed)
Player can get marks if a row or a column continuous with 3,6 or 9 pointed grid,
Marking line can not have any other pointed grid beside, let say marking line can not other then number 3,6,9 (I.E. 4,5,7,8), space not include the counting.
Otherwise, can not get marks.

After got marks, player can point one more grid, the pointed grid can continue to get marks, and point grid, get marks, so point grid, get marks ...........
When all the marks player can gets all done, player must point one more grid for other player.

Until all the 91 (9x9) grids pointed, the more marks one is the winner.

玩法是由兩方輪流下棋, 下棋的位置, 盡量不要令對方取得分數 (Tips: 盡量不要放在已有棋子的旁邊)

取分排中的前後不可以多出棋子, 即取分排中不可以為 3,6,9 以外的數量 (I.E. 4,5,7,8), 空格不計算在內, 如違反這規則不能取得分數

如取得分數後, 玩家可多下一棋子, 該棋子可以再繼續取分, 再下棋, 再取分, 如此類推 ...., 當可以取得的分數都取完後, 還要再下多一個棋子, 再輪到對方,

直到整個棋盤佈滿棋子後, 分數多的, 便是勝利者

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