有關1398 1399 2878 0910 問題

2007-04-28 3:19 am
請問 1398 1399 2878 0910, 以上的四隻股都係本人高位時買入,
本人想問2878 在三個月內會否升回我購買的價位? 買入時1.9.
本人真黑仔買親都蝕, 肯請專業人仕給意見-- thanks
1398 $4.9
1399 $3.5
2878 $1.9
0910 $1.1

回答 (1)

2007-05-04 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
From your information provided, some trends are observed and hightlighted for your reference :

1. you buy in immediately after those share have raised very much;
2. all those shares are either have high PE ratio or no profit record;

Recommend you can think about those issue. ^_ *

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:38:15
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