2007-04-27 11:45 pm
我想請問OSIM o既眼部按摩器好, 定係OTO o既好呢? 有冇其他眼部按摩器建議?

另外想問, 手提按摩器, 應該揀OSIM, OTO 定係Panasonic 呢?


回答 (3)

2007-04-28 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
眼部按摩器-- I am using Osim iCARE 200 (price is about $800) for 3 weeks. Not sure if it can reduce the puffness but it does make you feel relaxed while using. And the heat massage is pretty comfortable. I used it before sleeping and it helps me to sleep better.

手提按摩器 -- I have tried OTO (OTO e-Tap 手提按摩棒) before but your arm will get tired by holding the machines for a while and when you are doing the massage, you cannot do anything else like reading or walking around. Now I am using Osim iGOGO肩頸治療師 which is a wireless massage machine! So while I am doing massage, I can either read, walk around or eat snack :P And they have MP3 system too, so you can do massage according to the MP3 beat!! I LOVE iGOGO!! But it is little bit expensive lor -- around $2600...

I think you should go to both Osim, OTO and Panasonic to try by yourself and see which one you like most and get more info from the sales as well.

Hope you can help you lah!! And soon enjoy doing massage at home! It is really FANTASTIC after a whole day work lah!

2007-04-27 23:39:45 補充:
You can find both Osim and Panasonic in Sogo on the same floorOTO and Osim in Time Square on the same floor too. So you do not need to go around. All the shops are in Causeway Bay.
參考: personal experience
2008-03-19 8:18 am
我發現有間仲好d牙,,之前我行街見到有間叫breeze既店鋪佢哋專賣眼部按摩器 , 有好多種型號 , 同埋乾濕電又得 ,我試個一種可做埋太陽穴位呀 , 好鬼舒服,我買左 , 你去試吓啦 . 我比個地址你去試吓 ,荃灣英皇娛樂廣場係眾安街嫁 , 比埋佢地公司電話你啦 : 2793 1292 .打去問吓睇吓幫唔幫到你啦.
2007-04-28 12:07 am
眼部按摩器雖然可加速眼部血液循環?但會否使眼部更快出現幼紋? 建議您考慮清楚。
您想處理眼部甚麼問題? 想眼部舒緩? 去眼袋? 去黑眼圈? 可e-mail 給我,我可以教您護理眼部皮膚,希望可以幫到你喇!
[email protected]

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