
2007-04-27 5:52 pm
對人類社會或其他方面... 有甚麼功用?

回答 (2)

2007-04-27 6:13 pm
English on the top and chinese is below the eng one.

鉬 = Molybdenum

GO TO http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/c/c3/Periodic-table.png
can see the periodic table~周期表

Molybdenum is a transition metal. The pure metal is silvery white in color, fairly soft, and has one of the highest melting points of all pure elements. In small quantities, molybdenum is effective at hardening steel. Molybdenum is important in plant nutrition, and is necessary in animal nutrition (including human nutrition) as well. It is found at the active site of certain enzymes, including xanthine oxidase.

The pure metal has a tendency to flake apart during machining.

Molybdenum's characteristics are so similar to lead and graphite that for many years before it was "officially discovered", it was used accidentally (in place of lead and graphite).

Molybdenum prices have increased from a low of about $2/pound in 2000, to about $25/pound as of June 2006, down from a high of $40/pound in May of 2005[1].



鈮 - 鉬 - 鎝

名稱, 符號, 序號 鉬、Mo、42
系列 過渡金屬
族, 周期, 元素分區 6族, 5, d
密度、硬度 10280 kg/m3、5.5
顏色和外表 灰色金屬
地殼含量 1×10-3 %
原子量 95.94 原子量單位
原子半徑(計算值) 145(無數據)pm
共價半徑 145 pm
范德華半徑 無數據
價電子排布 [氪]4d55s1
電子在每能級的排布 2,8,18,13,1
氧化價(氧化物) 2,3,4,5,6(強酸性)
晶體結構 體心立方格
物質狀態 固態
熔點 2896 K(2623 °C)
沸點 4912 K(4639 °C)
摩爾體積 9.38 ×10-6m3/mol
汽化熱 598 kJ/mol
熔化熱 32 kJ/mol
蒸氣壓 3.47 帕(3000K)
聲速 無數據
電負性 2.16(鮑林標度)
比熱 250 J/(kg·K)
電導率 18.7×106/(米歐姆)
熱導率 138 W/(m·K)
第一電離能 684.3 kJ/mol
第二電離能 1560 kJ/mol
第三電離能 2618 kJ/mol
第四電離能 4480 kJ/mol
同位素 豐度 半衰期 衰變模式 衰變能量
MeV 衰變產物
92Mo 14.84 % 穩定
93Mo 人造 4000年 電子捕獲 0.405 93Nb
94Mo 9.25 % 穩定
95Mo 15.92 % 穩定
96Mo 16.68 % 穩定
97Mo 9.55 % 穩定
98Mo 24.13 % 穩定
99Mo 人造 65.94小時 β衰變 1.357 99Tc
100Mo 人造 1×1019年 β衰變 3.034 100Ru
2007-04-27 5:56 pm

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