
2007-04-27 7:53 am
如果可以的對話最好就簡潔d~~ thx~~


回答 (6)

2007-04-27 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

Excuse me, do you have any job vacancies?
Excuse me, are you recruiting (name of the job)?


I am afraid we have no vacancy at the moment.
Sorry we have already hired this post
Sorry this post is gone.
2007-04-27 11:32 pm
2007-04-27 6:52 pm
Excuse me, is the vacancy still open?

Sorry it's done.
Sorry, the vacancy is filled.
參考: SELF
2007-04-27 8:05 am
1: Excuse me, would I ask if you have a vacancy? (最有禮貌)
Excuse me, any job here? (最冇禮貌)
Excuse me, I am coming to apply a job. (最常用)

2: I am sorry, the job is closed. (意思有小小唔同)
I am sorry, the job is occupied. (我會咁講)
I am sorry, no more job. (香港人最興咁講)
I am sorry, some one has taken. (直譯)
參考: 自己
2007-04-27 8:04 am
a : Is it engaging the staff here to Could you tell me?
b : I am sorry! We have already engaged the staff.
a: 請問你這裡請人的嗎?
b: 不好意思,我們已經請了!


a: Could you tell me you invite people here?
b: Sorry, we have been already invited!

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