common error~急急急!(10分!!)

2007-04-27 5:38 am
What does [midnight] mean?Which prepostition often goes in front of it?


回答 (4)

2007-04-27 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
midnight 是一個noun (即名詞),
多指半夜十二點鐘 / 午夜 / 子夜 的時間,
也可解作漆黑或黑暗期 (都是noun), 用作形容詞時可解半夜的和漆黑的,
前面多用at, 例如, at midnight 就是指午夜的時候。

* 希望可以幫到你la~ *;-)
參考: yahoo 字典
2007-04-28 12:20 pm
Midnight = 12 o’clock at night (noun)

The most often use preposition associates with the word midnight are by, and at.


I have to be home by midnight.
The clock rings 12 times at midnight.
2007-04-27 6:01 am
What does [midnight] mean?

Midnight, literally "the middle of the night", is a time arbitrarily designated to determine the end of a day and the beginning of the next in some, mainly Western, cultures. Originally midnight depended on the time of the sunset and dawn, varying according to the seasons.

Solar midnight is that time opposite of solar noon, when the sun is closest to nadir and the night is furthest from dusk and dawn. Due to the advent of time zones, which makes time identical across a range of meridians, it rarely coincides with midnight on a clock, but can be computed on a number of websites that perform solar time calculations. Solar midnight is dependent on longitude rather than on a time zone.

Which prepostition often goes in front of it?

Use at in front of it.
2007-04-27 5:47 am
半夜, 夜間十二點鐘

--- > at midnight

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