
2007-04-27 5:26 am

回答 (5)

2007-04-28 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
hot pot, burning, boil 樓上都提出。
hot pot 是中式的打邊爐形容方式英語化。本身是有流動液體。錯!
burning 是用火直接燒,都錯。
boil是煲的動作。用金屬器皿盛着蠟來煲。工業製蠟的成品是boiling the wax過程(煲,正確說是煮一大堆蠟,溶液傾入預製模內成形。)
wax boiling 是抽象名詞
小朋友危險動作的煲蠟,用的卻是腊燭candles。所以應該是boiling the candles or candle boiling.
參考: my understanding of industrial processing
2007-04-27 6:41 am
動詞: Boil Wax
When we were kids, we would BOIL WAX every year at the Mid-autumn Festival.

名詞: Wax Boiling
When we were kids, we enjoyed WAX BOILING.
參考: Me
2007-04-27 6:34 am
Hot pot wax
參考: me
2007-04-27 5:39 am
burning candles

2007-04-26 21:41:17 補充:
因為煲蠟的蠟是從蠟燭而來的,所以是burning candles
2007-04-27 5:30 am
Burning wax!!!!!
參考: me

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