
2007-04-27 3:02 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-27 4:54 am
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羽毛球用語 (部份具例句)
accuracy (to play with accuracy) 準繩度
all (e.g. 10-all) 平手 (例: 十平手)
angle 角度
ankle 腳跟
attack 進攻
attack clear 平高球
attention (cf focus) 專注力
backhand (backhand serve) 反手 (反手發球)
backward 向後
baseline (cf rearcourt) 底線
battle of minds 鬥智
block (to play the block to a smash) 攔 (接殺擋網)
brush shot 抹
body rotation 轉身
champion 冠軍
championship point 決賽的場點
change ends 交換場地 (換邊)
check (to check smash) 急停 (點殺)
cross court 斜線
high drive shot (cf high clear) 高遠球
clear (cf high clear / high drive shot) 高遠球
coach 教練
coordination 協調
control (with great control of the shuttle) 操控 (控球)
court coverage 場上的覆蓋能力
dab (cf tap) 點
deceptive shot (trick shot) 假動作擊球
deceptive movements (feints) 假動作
defense (defensive situation) 防守 (防守)
diagonal 對角線
drills (cf practice) 重複練習
drop vertically in the rearcourt 在後場垂直墜下
dropshot (hitting a dropshot) 吊
elbow 手肘
error (to force an error) 錯 (逼對方出錯)
faster 更快
fault (service fault) 犯規 (發球犯規)
feather 羽毛
feed (multi-feeds) 餵球 (重覆練習)
fingers 手指
fitness 狀態
flat clear 平高球
flick the racket (flick serve) 閃動球拍 (彈後場式開球)
focus (the focus of your attention) 焦點 (專注力的焦點)
forearm 前臂
forecourt 前場
forehand (forehand serve) 正手 (正手發球)
forward 向前
footwork 步法
front and back format 前後站位
game point (set point) 局點
get to the net 上網
grip (back hand grip) 握拍 (反手握拍)
handle 球拍握拍部份
half smash / cut smash 劈殺
head 拍頭
intercept 攔截
jump 跳起
jump smash 跳起殺球
killer shot 致勝一擊
knee 膝蓋
knock-up period 賽前熱身
leap (leaps to all corners) 跨躍 (大步到位)
let 和球 (需重發)
lift (lift the shuttlecock) 升球
lines (on the floor) 界線
linesmen (line judges) 司線員
lob 過頭 (笠球)
love (four-love; love-all) 零分 (四比零; 零比零)
lunge (jump lunge) 跨步 (磴跨)
master the game / a stroke 掌握訣竅
medal (gold medal) 獎牌 (金牌)
men's double 男子雙打
men's single 男子單打
match point 場點
mental work (mental strength) 用腦 (意志力)
midcourt (midcourt lift) 半場 (不夠後的升球)
mixed double 混合雙打
mixed teams competitions 混合團體賽 (例: 蘇迪曼盃)
muscle (sore muscles) 肌肉 (肌肉痠痛)
net play 鬥網
net kill (kill from the net) 撲網
opponent 對手
overhead 頭頂
passing shot 超身球
wrong-foot (to wrong-foot your opponent) 打亂步法
參考: 專業陪打員
2007-04-27 3:21 am
羽毛球or badminton

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