
2007-04-27 12:43 am
please help me

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2007-04-27 1:18 am
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The Ball.
Most ancient nations used the ball. In 1400 BC Egyptian children already played with it; it was made out of papyrus, cane, ivory, gold, clay or wood. Carved balls on wedding glasses representing nuptial Greek rituals were discovered through archeological excavations in Ancient Troy. Celtic tribes ancestors used sheep’s and lamb’s bladders to play something very similar to soccer.

The Doll.
However the remote existence and use of balls, the most ancient toy we have information on are dolls. Around the year 3,000 BC, tiny figures –made out of clay, bone and wood- were used as mystic and religious symbols for death and power. Children were allowed to play with them nevertheless their ritual value.
There’s also information confirming the existence of this kind of toys in the North Pole; throughout the centuries the Eskimos made ivory dolls for their children. Further in history, archeological evidence exhibits an important amount of ivory and bone dolls form the Marco Aurelio Era.
As time went by we observe a sophistication of dolls. In 1810, doll manufacturers incorporated the use papier-mâché on doll’s faces which resulted in a much more natural look. By 1860 the first sit-down baby was invented. At the same time new materials such as gutta-percha, glazed porcelain, rubber and ceramic were being used for their production; faces imperfections were covered with plaster and make-up for surface finish. All these changes gave birth to the modern doll.
Baby-dolls were the fist ones produced with standard production, developed in the early days of the twentieth century in the United Sates, afterwards all, rag, plastic, vinyl dolls were industrially produced. Between 1925 and 1945 the American doll industry shows great and continuous improvement of models: from the ones that open and close their eyes, to the incorporation of finishing touches such as eyelashes, teeth, fingernails to plastic and rubber dolls that drink water and wet their dippers.

Figures, soldiers and puppets.
The first animal figure dates from the late nineteenth century, it was a green elephant made by a handicapped seamstress. By 1902 teddy bears were standard- produced, with motion of their arms, legs and head; it was the first time they used mohair (Angora goat fur), though of higher cost and price and a elite market, this soft and fuzzy feeling was the prelude to plush.
Toy soldiers production begun a long time ago together with a militarist ideology many times translated into nationalism. In the American continent, for example, they make their appearance together with the independence wars, early in their lives children are taught to love and respect their newly born country and army. From that epoch there are registers of toy soldiers made out of polychrome clay, lead, wood, even silver.
Puppets have centuries of existence. In the eighteenth century, made out of clay or wood and dressed authentically, they represented popular and theatrical characters which reflected real life. All toys throughout history show this attribute: they always model after real life.

Talent games.
The first puzzle was from 1762, shortly after it’s invention it was not only a child game but an adult game also. However it became popular by 1870. One hundred years before, during the eighteen century, board games were very popular in Western Europe, specially in France, alike the puzzle children and adults played them.

Tarocchi as Game (mostly as Tarot or Tarock)
The game is nowadays known in many variations, first basic rules appear in the manuscript of Martiano da Tortona (before 1425; translated text), the next are known from the year 1637. In Italy the game has become less popular, one version named Tarocco Bolognese: Ottocento has still survived and there are still others played in Piedmont, but the number of games outside of Italy is much higher, there connected to the words Tarot and Tarock.
2007-04-27 12:46 am
toy car

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