
2007-04-26 11:25 pm

回答 (3)

2007-04-26 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i also have 2 rolex, airking & GMT master, and i also asked the same question to chow xx last year.....

the age of the airking = 3 yrs and the GMT master = 1.5 yrs
they both bought from chow xx.

normally, if i wear the airking one day (i mean 12 hrs - am 8:00 to 8:00 pm) , i don't need to 較錶 at the next day. but if i wear it less than a day (such as 6-8 hours, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm) the watch will stop at am 4:00.

but if i wear the GMT master for one day, it still can run over 24 hours more.

according to my test and the explaination from chow xx, the small size (like 369 or some boy size) would be more easy to stop......

2007-04-26 15:49:49 補充:
ar......if you see the watch is stopped....remember 上鏈 before you wear it again....around 5 circles......then wear it over 8 hour.....i think you have no need to 較錶 everyday.......if the problem still occur......go to 某大金行 and try to find out the reason.
參考: my testing
2007-04-27 8:24 pm
automatic手表有咁嘅情形並不稀奇, 你如果唔係每日戴但又想佢繼續行, 咁就要上錬.
2007-04-27 6:55 am

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