好的小提琴老師 ??

2007-04-26 9:28 pm
I am learning Violin for a few mths. I am learning at music co, not private tutor. My violin teacher teaches excellent slow (my sight-reading is OK), i have asked him to teach faster .. still no improvement.
1) I want to find a good Private teacher, but i don't know any private teachers. I am an Adult (serious learner for violin 對學習有一定的要求). Who can introduce your good private teacher to me?
2) I'm still learning 篠崎 book 1 (for 6 mths)?

go to teacher's home to learn violin.


Correction : I can go to Private teacher home to learn Violin.


For practise time, I always practise violin at home.

回答 (5)

2007-04-27 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, it depends on you, not the teacher.
If you spent time on practise, maybe you wont be that slow. It is not about the pace of learning. At the starting point, violin is tough actually, you need a long time to practise.

I've learnt piano for 7 years, and I am just grade7. But I got distinction everytime I take examination for piano. Dont worry about how fast or slow the teacher is learning.

Or you can buy some pieces for violin, then you can play something which is more difficult.
2007-05-02 7:14 pm
i'm following a private tutor who teach at his home in central/sai wan. i find him a good teacher who can teach based on the student's progress. and he is experienced in teaching adults.i think he suits u more. email me if u are interested. i'll give you his information.
[email protected]
參考: my experience
2007-05-02 3:36 am
Do you mind if i ask how old are you? i think it all related to how much you can absort! Suzuki method is designed for young children. I have been told that this Book 1 will take at least one year to get over it.. then from Book 2 onwards it will be very fast to go thru. My daughter took one year already and she is just up to the slightly row song,,although i have to admit that she is just 4 years old,, (she started doing violin when she was 3).
If you are not happy for this, i think you should change to another teaching method instead of changing teacher. Suzuki method is always slower, they focus more on basic skills.
Good Luck.
2007-04-28 10:30 pm
$250/ 45 mins

Diploma of ABRSM (performing)
HKAPA (演藝學院)
ABRSM Grade 8 Theory Certificate

if u are interested, plz e-mail: [email protected]
2007-04-28 1:16 am

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