
2007-04-26 7:40 pm
想問Some money這名詞後面跟的動詞是is還是are呢?

回答 (5)

2007-04-26 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
money 是 uncountable noun...
Some money is......
money Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 the coins or notes which are used to buy things, or the amount of these that one person has:
"How much money have you got on you?" "£10 in notes and a few coins."
We invested the money in a high-interest bank account.
I wanted to buy it but it cost too much money (= was too expensive).
We spent so much money redecorating the house that we didn't have any left over for a holiday.
You can't pay in English money. You'll have to change some money (= buy some foreign money) at the bank.
How much money do you earn (= What are you paid to do your job)?
He enjoyed acting but he wasn't making (= earning) much money.
Her investments haven't made (= produced as profit) much money this year.
They made their money (= became rich) in the fashion business.
He tried to persuade me to put money into the company (= invest in the company).
We need to raise (= collect) money for a new school pool from the parents.
Try to save (= keep) some money for your holiday.
We're saving (= not spending as much) money by using volunteers.
I didn't like the job, but the money (= amount of pay) was good.
Money is tight/short (= We haven't got much money) at the moment.
I had some very expensive dental treatment recently - but it was money well spent - it'll save me problems in the future.

2 money in sth If you say that there is money in something, you mean that the activity will produce a profit:
There's money in sport these days.
There's money in it for you.
2008-12-01 2:16 am
money~profit~lost~purse~bank~gain~lose~expensive~cheap~account~cridit card~maths~%~...

there're many things related to money in the world, but not just the meaning of money.
2008-09-18 5:25 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2007-04-26 7:56 pm
money 是一個 uncountable noun,所以 are 並不適用,要用 is。
Here is some money, you can take it.
Some money is spent to buy the books.
參考: 並沒有 monies 這個字
2007-04-26 7:45 pm
some money用is...如果係some monies就用are

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