新手 想問松鼠狗定玩具/茶杯貴婦狗好

2007-04-26 6:57 pm
我係新手, 諗緊養松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗, 想問:
1.玩具 or 茶杯貴婦 細隻?
2.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 少叫 d?
3.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 忠心 d?
4.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 活潑 d?
5.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 聰明 d(如果教佢大小便)?
6.買松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 又有 d 咩要求?
7.松鼠狗 and 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 大約幾多錢?

8.松鼠狗買白色 or 淡啡色可愛? 9.松鼠狗有冇分尖形 or 波形?


10.買松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗要男仔 or 女仔好 d ?點解?

回答 (4)

2007-04-26 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1,2 玩具貴婦, 因為松鼠比較貪玩, 跳來跳去, 容易跌繼腳,
3.忠心所有狗都有, 其實你給揀選3種, 都屬於玩具狗, 只用作玩伴並不是看門口.
5.狗是授教的動物, 只要你買狗時請教寵物店員, 他們會教你如何教他大小便.
6. 要剪毛, 陪玩, 愛心, 清潔
7. 價錢不一, 你可上網pet28參考,問價及詣問, 寵物店較貴, 不老實, 容易有狗瘟.
8-9. 如要松鼠狗淡啡色各尖形
10. 男仔(活潑, 絶育後比較純), 女仔(生理周期)
參考: me
2007-04-28 9:34 am
1. 要睇你點養,同睇下骨架。
2. 松鼠比較愛吵鬧。兩隻都愛彈跳,貴婦就勁d。松鼠好嗲,不過又有d惡。一般來就,貴婦就最聰明,好多表演都係貴婦。
3. 忠唔忠心因狗的性格而異。我果2隻松鼠仔比人捉走咗都ok。
4. 都係睇性格。同一品種,我2隻狗嘅性格都不同。
5. 見上(2)的回答。我果2條松,一隻聰明,一隻蠢d,好難講。
6. 松鼠狗係女人狗,成人都要人抱,仲成日同我「打車輪」,又貪靚,又鐘意清潔。貴婦就唔知,不過你可能要多d心機同佢美容同打扮,話明貴婦,你都預咗係有$人先有咁嘅時間同心機養啦。
7. $5000有找。不過要睇質素同係邊度嚟。小心大陸狗當high野賣。亦有不少話自己嬴過dog show根住賣幾萬蚊。同埋最緊要有購買保證,小心有狗瘟。
8. 我兩隻色都有,我仲好貪心咁想要多隻cream女。最緊要講眼緣,同埋你同佢相處時嘅表現。佢係寵物店時係點,返都你屋企都係一樣。
9. 人地個個都話爆毛波形先靚,我就偏偏覺得唔靚。都係果句,講眼緣。
10. 男同女無分別,最緊要健康,否則你會好頭痛。一般女仔會比較嗲,但對仔會比較吱喳,仲有1年2次約一星期的月經,但細狗影響不大。仔絕育後會較純。

* 松鼠可有14-20年命,貴婦我不知道。


參考: 我有一隻火紅一隻白松鼠狗
2007-04-26 10:05 pm
參考: 我@
2007-04-26 7:52 pm
1.玩具 or 茶杯貴婦 細隻?
= both of them also consider is small type...their size won't be much different.
2.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 少叫 d?
bark is depend on the dog personality, come bark loudly, some don't bark.
For my own expereince,myself have a toy poodle,now only 3 months. he seldom bark,just he fee unhappy or dislike then just he will bark.
3.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 忠心 d?
no matter what dog they all also 忠心...
4.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 活潑 d?
both of them also very 活潑 d...For my poodle,he love to play a lot,and always need people accompany..
5.松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 聰明 d(如果教佢大小便)?
For poodle dog,they are second intelligent amount all dog..in the beginning,t notice them,when they sniff on the floorand walk around,u can bring them to 大小便 on the newspaper.then after that always remind them. toy poodle very clever d,after few ime they will go by themselves.
6.買松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 又有 d 咩要求?
having a dog u must have yr respondsibilty to takecare of them,u must spend yr time with them. you must think when u not around or go for travel,is there anyone to takecare of them. because they are small puppy,always need people to takecare.
7.松鼠狗 and 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗 大約幾多錢?
the price is depend. if u buy from shop will be more expensive,if u buy from home breed will be cheaper..
8.松鼠狗買白色 or 淡啡色可愛?
淡啡色 will be better...coz white colour is hard to takecare..u need to buy more speciality care for white colour dog.
9.松鼠狗有冇分尖形 or 波形?
most of the 松鼠狗 is 尖形.
10.買松鼠狗 or 玩具/茶杯貴婦狗要男仔 or 女仔好 d ?點解?
male or female is depend on u..male will be look smarter and female will be more stick to u..depend on which one u more prefer,female will have period, need to takecare of them. For me,before i buy my toy poodle,i also think to buy female,but at last i buy a male poodle...^^
參考: =me=

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