
2007-04-26 6:13 pm

避 免 食 用 維 他 命 K 含 量 高 的 食 物 , 如 莧 菜 、 韮 菜 、 青 豆 角 、 芥 蘭 、 波 菜 、 通 菜 、 君 達 菜 ﹝豬 乸 菜﹞ 、 豆 苗 、 枸 杞

回答 (1)

2007-04-26 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is a very common mistake concerning the use of Aspirin
In fact, Aspirin is not called 薄血丸
薄血丸 actually refer to a medicine called "warfarin"
Warfarin affect the clot formation of the body and its effect is decreased by the presence of vitamin K (and vit K rich food as you mentioned)
Aspirin affect the platelet (血小板) function instead of the clotting cascade (well, clot formation usually started off with platelet accumulation within the damaged vessel and followed by clot cascade activation which is affected by warfarin)
Therefore, aspirin effect is not affected by Vitamin K and there is not point to avoid any vit K rich food shown above

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