pls translate

2007-04-26 5:13 pm
pls translate the following to Chinese:
The U.K constitution is an unwritten constitution. But although no laws passed by Parliament can be directly challenged by any British Court, there are restraints on government. There are the rules and procedures of Parliament itself, and interpretations of laws made by the courts in light of the traditions of the common law.

回答 (2)

2007-04-26 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The U.K constitution is an unwritten constitution. But although no laws passed by Parliament can be directly challenged by any British Court, there are restraints on government. There are the rules and procedures of Parliament itself, and interpretations of laws made by the courts in light of the traditions of the common law.


2007-04-26 09:31:52 補充:
參考: by myself
2007-04-26 5:22 pm
英國憲法是一部沒記錄的憲法。但雖然法律由議會通過無法由任一個英國的法院直接地質詢, 有克制在政府。有議會法律的規則和規程, 和解釋由法院制定根據普通法的傳統。

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