
2007-04-26 1:04 pm


回答 (3)

2007-04-26 4:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實你住 1 或 2 區, 還是 13 區, 分別不大的. 由 13 區意大利廣場去第 1 區的聖母院, 只需要約 35 - 40 分鐘 metro. 而從其他地方去意大利廣場, 亦可搭 metro. metro 5, 6 及 7 線都經過意大利廣場, 十分方便...
只有 1.5 天, 可去一些較大路的景點
30/5 下午可去鐵塔下參加遊塞納河, 之後上鐵塔就是了
31/5 的一天可一早去聖母院, 羅浮宮, 香榭麗謝大道, 凱旋門, 行得快既, 黃昏仲可以去埋聖母院及蒙馬特
1 , 2 區是沒有平價住宿的... 而 13 區, 如果只住兩天, 可考慮 IBIS, 意大利廣場已經有分店. 價錢約為 79 - 90 euro... 現在巴黎酒店好貴, 稍為 ok 的已經 70 幾 euro 了, 住 IBIS 感覺穩陣一點... 價格資料可參考 www.ibis.fr
P.S. 意大利廣場位於 13 區與第 5 區的邊緣, 未到達唐人街, 由意大利廣場到唐人街, metro 要 3 個站, 步行也需要 15 - 20 分鐘的.
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
2007-04-27 5:07 am
你想住近旅遊點?金錢換時間,平區相距很遠的,我多住ibis hotel集團,價錢可接受,內在ok(巴黎有些酒店收貴但內裡很殘舊,近遊點也是)
2007-04-26 1:50 pm
I am living in europe i hope i can help you. Paris is the most expensive city in europe. Depends on your budget, if you are gonna stay in hotel i strongly suggest you to ask the travel agency in HK or you can check in airfrance. Go to Airfrance.com or go to their ticket office.
The second choice is hostels. I also had been there for 2 days. But i was stayed in friend apartment just for 1 night only coz i was really puke out of things there. Expensive + service are not really nice. (HK is lot better trust me)

Go to this website i hope i can help you. Is about hostel in paris. There has price on and address and pictures.

I dont understand what means of your zone. In paris the famous point you must go is Eiffel Tower. But go at night is more beautiful and romantic than the day time.

Check it out, around the Eiffel tower also has a lot of tourist point. I think you also know people there cannot speak english. You have to prepare some tourist guide map for yourself. And all the things written in french.

If you have to go to Italy from France you can take Train from Paris to Italy. The train name call "Euro star". (I never been Italy so i dont know about 十三區意大利廣場) But in train station people in ticket center they can speak english. I can guarantee that Eurostar is perfect and super fast.

Have a nice trip!!
參考: my experience

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