Do you think that the Virginia Tech incident will be forgotten?

2007-04-26 1:54 am
do youu think that Cho's family will be forgiven if everyone doesnt like them because of what happened. Should they have something for children who have been picked on him and called him names

回答 (12)

2007-04-27 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Virginia Tech massacre was a horrible, horrible tragedy but in time, it will fade from public view. Only those who have suffered a personal loss will be faced with the struggle to overcome their grief and restructure their life. The survivors will suffer the tremendous loss very intently for a period of time and as they struggle to cope with their grief they will resolve it in many different ways but it will never go away, there will be triggers that bring it all back again in vivid detail.

Most of the people in the self-help group Parents of Murdered Children have strong feelings about this issue as well as Citizens against Homicide. (Members of both national groups have suffered the loss of a loved one to homicide) Compassionate Friends is also a self-help group however it is for parents who have lost a child to any cause homicide, accidental death or disease.

The incident is not the fault of Cho's family. It is the fault of Cho Seung-hui. It is not the fault of the children who bullied him. Cho should have been able to forgive them and move on. His unwillingness to forgive them built up inside of him and his anger turned to rage. He fantasized about a killing rampage and then carefully planned and executed it.
2007-04-26 2:15 am
Let us PRAY that the incident is NEVER forgotten! For it to be forgotten by ANYONE should send up an alarm. An alarm that would define heartlessness, and an untreatable psychosis. As far as Cho's family. They cannot be held responsible for his actions. I am certain that they sent him to Virginia Tech to acquire the best education he could. They would have no way of knowing that he had decided on a different future, or lack thereof, for the students that he killed, their families and friends, and himself,

As far as "having something for children who have been picked on". How many times have children, young adults, the elderly, minorities, bi-sexuals, disabled and mentally disturbed persons been teased, picked on and called names? We are fortunate, in a bittersweet way, that only a handful of persons who are teased turn out like Cho and many others who have dealt with teasing and name calling with violence and/or murder. The only thing that should happen to THOSE "young adults", who were not "children", is mandatory sensitivity training classes, on an ongoing basis, throughout their scholastic tenure. It should, however, begin in the home and enjoined when they arrive the 1st day of KINDERGARTEN! In most states, there is now a "bullying" law. Often teasing, name-calling and bullying go hand-in-hand.
參考: Life
2007-04-26 2:07 am
are you kidding me? the Virginia Tech Massacre will never be forgotten. As long as V-Tech is up and running and there are still students and professors who long to work and go there, the Vtech massacre will live long as a horrific legacy at that school, state, and as a story passed on from all of the friends and families affected by its aftermath. I mean just think of a hundred years from now, just like 911, your grand children and great grand children and so on are going to read about the deadliest massacre in the history of our nation; assuming no other ones take place in the near future. As long as it's written in books and in newspapers and memorials are taken place, the Virginia Tech Massacre is not going to be forgotten.

as for his family they're not to blame at all, they couldn't have done anything to prevent him from thinking the way he did. Sure, maybe they could have talked about his problems but i mean what family doesn't have things they didn't talk about. Plus kids already have something when they get picked on or bullied, it's called a counslor, right there at their disposal, they just choose not to use it to help them. Every kid has been picked on and you know, most people have dealt with it
2007-04-26 2:05 am
The family will b forgiven b/c it was not their way of teaching that made him go that way. The father committed suicide and the mother tried to OD on drugs so....the VT shooting will ever b forgotten. I swear if Michael Moor makes a movie about it i swear im gunna kill that fat bastard. yes they should have something for children like that. the only thing is that the parents need to talk to their kids so they can find out wat's going on .
2007-04-26 2:02 am
no it wont the Columbine anaversy was friday and it was five years ago and normaly it is one year for a bad thing like someone diying from cancer or something like a famous person diying. so it wont be forgotten as long as people pass on the story to there younger siblings oro friends that was not alive at this time than they will do the same thing.
2007-04-26 2:00 am
It will always be remembered...Do you remember Columbine? That was like 7 years ago.
As for his family, they had nothing to do with it.
2007-04-26 1:57 am
The memories of the day will fade somewhat, but what happened will not be forgotten.
2007-04-26 1:57 am
Incident will soon be forgotten. Remember 9/11? No one remembers it now.
2007-04-26 3:16 pm
It will gradually fade from out memory. Until yet another incident happens similar, which it most unfortunately will.
2007-04-26 4:47 am
NO this won,t be for gotten as there will be more kids kill at othere school Than they remember Virginia Tech sad day
This news on V Tech is slowing dieing down on reporting it. Now Rosie big news all over T.V.
2007-04-26 2:32 am
what happen at virginia tech was a really bad thing....but give it time most people will forget about it....b/c either something else will happen or something like that will happen somewhere else....
2007-04-26 2:53 am
First of all, get it right- Columbine was EIGHT as in 8 years ago. NOT 7, NOT 5. Go anywhere online and you will see the date: April 20, 1999. Do the MATH. 2007-1999 = 8.
No, it won't be forgotten completely because it is a massacre. Events like these go down in history for what they were. In the far future, though there won't be a minute to minute recount of what exactly occurred on that day- that will be forgotten, just the events will stick out. So far I think the deadliest random mass killings in MODERN U.S history are The Oklahoma City Bombing(can't forget that), Columbine, 9/11(of course), and now VT. I personally think Columbine had the potential to be a lot more lethal than this. There were two people instead of one, they were armed like the national guard- 12 guages, rifles, and several types of explosives (IED's, pipe bombs, and even Molotov cocktails) and they killed just 12. Now look at Cho. All he had were two pistols and himself. It surprises me that he slaughtered more than twice the Columbine killers. If the bombs had gone off as planned though, Columbine would have been the Alfred P. Murrah federal building after McVeigh.

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