
2007-04-26 6:43 am
要3個To lose weight(減肥)的方法,不過一定要英文,如果唔係不接受!
而且都要4-5個To stay healthy(保持健康)的方法,也都要英文,如果唔係也都不接受!

回答 (4)

2007-04-26 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
To lose weight
1.do exercise(swimming)
2.don't eat too many fats(like fast food)
3.don't eat snack between two meal(the time between breakfast and lunch,between lunch and dinner)
4.don't eat dinner after 9 p.m.

To stay healthy
1.have a constant time to eat each meal
2.go to bed early
3.eat two fruit every day
4.eat exercise every day
5.drink eight cups of water every day
2007-04-26 7:06 am
To lose weight
1.do exercise
2.don't eat too many fats

To stay healthy
1.go to bed early
2.eat two fruit every day
3.eat exercise every day
4.drink eight cups of water every day
2007-04-26 7:00 am
1. Do regular exercise; say, practice aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, ideally do it everyday, if not, on alternate days.
2. Have a balanced diet;
3. Must eat breakfast, and eat light at dinner time;
4. Sleep before 11pm everyday, as the most important hormone is produce during 11pm to 2 am).
5. Relax in a healthy manner, like hiking, sailing, not clubbing, karaoke, shopping,etc; these are not relaxing, because the brain is still very busy with all the messages received;
6. Keep abreast with the world, keep yourself updated and feel fulfilled everyday.
7. Maintain hormonious relationship with your family and have really nice and understanding close friends to share your happiness and sadness.
8. Being grateful for your job.
9. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables. Cut meat, cigarettes and alcoholics.
2007-04-26 6:57 am
Ways to lose weight:-
1. Exercising
2. On diet
3. Receive slimming treatment

Ways to stay healthy:-
1. Regular Exercise
2. Balance Diet
3. Regular Body Check up
4. Have Enough sleep
5 Drink more water

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