設計晚餐 15點~~~

2007-04-26 6:16 am


回答 (2)

2007-04-28 10:47 pm
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chinese meal:
海鮮扒滑豆腐 (low kcal, high protein, low fat)
青椒炒牛肉 (青椒 = low kcal, vit C, beef = high iron, B12)
蔬菜腐皮卷 (high fiber, low kcal, low fat)
蕃茄豆腐 (Vit A, C, low kcal, low fat, high fiber)
銀芽涼拌海蜇絲 (銀芽 = low kcal, 海蜇是一種高蛋白、低脂肪、低熱量的營養食品,具有清熱、化痰、潤腸等食療價值。)
紅棗海底椰糖水 (海底椰潤肺、止咳, 低脂肪;紅棗補中益氣;薑驅風;蔗糖去寒)

Western meal:
Grilled swordfish, geen beans and spicy tomato salsa (low fat, low kcal, high fiber, low salt, rich Vit A, C)
Roasted sweet garlic, thyme and mascarpone risotto with toasted almonds (low oil, rich Vit C, Vit E, protein, fiber, calcium, iron, carbohydrates)
Vegetable soup with basil-flavoured cream (low fat, Vit A, vit C, fiber, protein)
Baked enchiladas (protein, iron, B12, fiber)
Basil gnocchi with simple tomato sauce and wild rocket (low fat, low salt, Vit A, Vit C, fiber, low carbohydrates)
Lime and passion fruit souffle (rich Vit C, low sugars, protein)
參考: internet, me
2007-04-26 6:53 am
easy job!

Vegetable Salads with vinegar & oliver sauce - oliver oil is best oil for body

Main Courses
1) chicken breast with berries sauce - the health meat less oil
2) duck breast with lemon sauce - less oil too
3) grilled pork chop - grill is good cooking method, less oil

grilled apple with sour cream - apple a day keep doctor away
參考: me

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