我想問小王子這本書? 20分

2007-04-26 5:39 am
(這用英文作答) 20分 少少就可以的可以講到3分鐘就ok!

回答 (2)

2007-04-26 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The narrator is really the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. begins the tale with an explanation of his dislike of adults; he claims he does not enjoy them, for they are much too practical. Instead, he prefers the company of children, who are natural and curious. The narrator next tells of how his plane crashed in the desert, where he met the Little Prince, a mystical creature from another planet.

By the time the Little Prince meets the narrator, he has learned the important lessons about life; but it is in telling the narrator about them that the lessons take on a real meaning for the Little Prince. After reviewing all that he has learned, the Prince accepts that he must return to his star in order to take care of his special rose; his acceptance of responsibility is the climax as the plot.

At the end of the book, the Little Prince goes to find the snake, which can bite him and return him to his planet. Before he makes the journey home, the Little Prince lets the narrator know he is departing. He tells him to look up at the stars and think of them as laughing. The Little Prince knows that when he looks at the stars, the narrator will also think about him. In truth, the narrator has grown very fond of the Prince and hates to see him go. When he is bitten by the snake and dies, the narrator is grieved to have lost a friend; but he feels certain that the Little Prince has returned home to his own little heaven.

The narrator and the Prince share a rewarding relationship on the desert. Then at the end of the story the narrator explains how he looked for the body of the Little Prince on the next morning; however, it was no where to be found. In this brief falling action, the narrator convinces himself and the reader that the Prince has returned to his star. The narrator also explains that he has written the story of the Little Prince six years after he met him. Even though it has been a long time since the Prince's departure, the narrator's friendship with the mystical man from another planet has had a profound affect on him; therefore, he finally decides to write the novel in memory of and as a tribute to the Little Prince because he misses the Little Prince’s company very much.

The little prince represent innocence, ignorance, and purity. When the prince goes to visit the people on the planets, he cannot understand them and thinks that they are very bizarre. He wonders why the businessman counts the stars because he doesn't do anything with the starts except "possess”; them. He also does not understand why his flower is "ephemeral”, and that he will lose her one day because she will die. These truths remain unclear throughout his journey because he is innocent. He cannot see the reality of the world around him, nor can he understand the mind of the adults. When he meets the snake, the snake does not bite him because he is so pure. The little prince does not know the dangers that a snake represents and so he talks to it just like he did to the fox. His mind is unadulterated by evil, money, and greed like the mind of adults are. Furthermore, he can see what adults don't. For example, he finally understands the importance of the flower to him because she is unique to him and he is to her. Hence, he must protect and care for her. Adults don't understand things like this: they don't know why a flower would ever be as important as money or fame, nor would they care if a flower died and the stars cried. The prince brings back childhood memories into the life of the narrator that he has long forgotten. He teaches the narrator to be responsible for those you love and have tamed, and to be yourself even though no one is listening to you. The little prince also teaches us that the best things in the world aren't necessarily the most expensive, the rarest, the fanciest, but the things that we see and can enjoy everyday like friends and family.
2007-05-05 7:23 pm
It is a great and famous book.

It tells us that the point of view from children is quite different from adult.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:55:48
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