
2007-04-26 3:07 am

回答 (6)

2007-04-26 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Practice is always the best way of learning.

However, as time is limited, you may find that you have not enough time to achieve a standard you want within a speific time limit you want to pay.

What aspect do you want to improve most?
For vocabulary abnd comprehension, you may wish to read some English Newspapers everyday. Then, cross check the news with Chinese newspaper to broaden your vocabulary. You may also need a small and handy notebook to write down all the new words to build up your vocabulary.

For conversation, listening to radio and TV news is definitely worths your effort. In particular, English TV news enable you to grasp the tone and intonation within a short period of time. Talking to classmates in English may help to build up your confidence to speak in English but may not assist you in improving your intonation. If your desire to improve is strong enough, recording your speech by tape can help you (which is quite a boring task).

For grammer, you may need to learn it systematically, either through enrolling for a English grammer course, or study a grammer book with self discipline.

Learning English is never too late. However, you have to pay extra effort to grasp it when you grow older as you need to accompilsh many tasks at the same time, and may not able to concentrate in your study..

Wish you all the best and keep up your effort and desire to improve your English!!

2007-04-25 21:32:55 補充:
詞典機不太有用。Dictionary published by Longman or Oxford can help you better.Nevertheless, if you determine to buy one, I suggest you to buy a PDA with the dictionary installed rather than a pure dictionary machine.

2007-04-25 21:33:37 補充:

2007-04-25 21:34:20 補充:
Read more , Speak more.Learn more!看多說多學多,在日常生活中,多看書、多看報紙。多說英文(與外國人主動談話。多看英文電影,活學街上英文。

2007-04-25 21:34:55 補充:
詞典機其實是不需要的,你在網上查更快,讀音更清晰準確。要打好英文基礎,首要是累積生字,在基礎階段,不宜看報紙,因為太深,而且很多字你是用不著的,學習教科書的已足夠,要時根底不好,去買一些二手英文教科書,有中一的開始學習,定下目標,每日十個,本年便學會近二千字了,已很不錯 。第二部是文法,先學習最基本的,荒間有本練習叫New Exercise in English,我個人覺得相當不錯,但要有中一做到中四,中五的沒用,可不買。

2007-04-25 21:35:23 補充:
第三部我自覺十分有效,當你的詞彙及文法有一定的基礎,就要開始朗讀文章,文章最好是在你中四五的英文課本取裁,讀前先查字典,了解問章內容及讀音,開始時可一段段來,每篇文章必須讀到很流暢,完全明白,發音準確為止,不必急,重質不重量,一星期不斷重覆讀一篇也沒問題,這可訓連你的Oral Fluency 和 Reading Comprehension 的能力,很有效,如果你有帶更好,先自己連好,再聽人地讀,不斷改進,記住,你可重覆的讀一篇,重質不重量,很重要,一篇讀得不好,不要開始第二篇。透過朗讀,你更可潛移默化地學會了文化和生字,比分開學習更有效。

2007-04-25 21:38:21 補充:
要多聽多講, 雖然老土d, 但真係work!1) 你可以試下買一隻自己鐘意的dvd, 看你想學英文/美文, 自己選. 但最好是大公司出的, 演員音比較準. 先選中文字幕看一次, 再選英文字幕, 之後選沒有字幕, 看十多次2) 看英文台的節目, 買一條厚的黑色紙條, 厚d, 裁剪出電視字幕大小, 用膠紙貼著, 把字幕蓋起來, 可用電筒聽, 比較清楚3) 恆心 恆心 恆心 恆心 恆心 恆心 ...以上方法每天聽一小時便夠了, 但一定要有恆心.
參考: own experience
2008-01-03 10:55 am
2007-04-26 10:32 am
參考: 溝女學英文
2007-04-26 5:21 am
2007-04-26 3:20 am
要令英文好啲, 首先多啲睇英文書,唔明嘅查字典及問老師睇多啲英文台,聽多啲英文歌囉!重有就係多啲練習囉!見到外國人問路時, 唔好怕羞囉?
2007-04-26 3:19 am


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