
2007-04-26 2:55 am


回答 (3)

2007-04-26 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先要明白,商業英文最重簡單到題。Sorry to correct your problems as follows:-
Thank you for your letter of dated April 18. We are pleased to see that your product range and pricing are what we expected.
We confirm that our order is all right with 45 x 100 metre reels of 40 millimetre MCL88 cable. We do appreciate your efficiency and service.
We confirmed that the transaction will be strike. (這句唔明你想講乜?快補上!)
So you can start packing today and ship it at the end of this month. I also hope that the quality of goods in this shipment is the same as you said.
We trust that our deal will be satisfactory and looking for future business oportunities.

2007-04-27 08:36:58 補充:
We confirmed that the transaction will be strike(我已確保交易將會如常進行) should be (will be as usual.)才合你的原意。strike 的用法很多,是借喻法,例如will strike the right note接上你的句中便接近意思了。
參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners and commercial practice.
2007-04-27 3:30 am
看到上面一位的答案.. 其實都不錯
Thank you for your letter of dated.....
其實如果用左 of 就唔會用 dated, 用左 dated 就唔用 of..

2007-04-26 19:35:38 補充:
參考: myshelf
2007-04-26 3:20 am

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