
2007-04-26 2:19 am

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2007-04-26 2:24 am
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天水圍濕地公園的英文是Hong Kong Wetland Park.

香港濕地公園(Hong Kong Wetland Park)位於香港新界元朗區天水圍北部。佔地61公頃,包括60公頃的戶外保護區及1萬平方呎的室內展館。
Hong Kong Wetland Park (Traditional Chinese: 香港濕地公園) is a world-class conservation, education and tourism facilities, located at the northern part of Tin Shui Wai, in Yuen Long. It was intended to be an ecological mitigation area (EMA) for the wetlands lost due to Tin Shui Wai New town development.
In 1998, a project named International Wetland Park and Visitor Centre Feasibility Study was initiated by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and the Hong Kong Tourism Board with a view to expanding the EMA to a wetland ecotourism attraction. After concluding that it was feasible to develop a Wetland Park at the EMA site without compromising its intended ecological mitigation functions and the development of the Wetland Park will also enhance the ecological function of the EMA to a world-class conservation, education and tourism facility, the concerned parties started the Wetland Park Project, which is one of the Millennium projects by the Administrations.
2007-04-26 2:34 am
Tin Shui Wai wetland garden

天水圍=Tin Shui Wai
濕地公園=wetland garden
上午 10 時至下午 5 時
(下午 4 時停止售票)



門票 入場費 (港幣)
成人 $30
小童(3至不足18歲) / 全日制學生 / 長者(65歲或以上) $15
小童(3歲以下) 免費
成人 $100(全年)/ $50(半年)
家庭(最多4名親屬) $200
小童(3至不足18歲) / 全日制學生 / 長者(65歲或以上) $50(全年)/ $25(半年)
團體人數 票價(港幣)
成人 小童 (3至不足18歲) / 全日制學生
/ 長者(65歲或以上)
10-19 27.0 13.5
20-29 25.5 12.7
30-49 24.0 12.0
50人或以上 21.0 10.5

2007-04-26 2:24 am
hong kong watland park
2007-04-26 2:24 am
Hong Kong Wetland Park.

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