請問什麼叫做「hypoglycaemic shock」?

2007-04-26 12:32 am

「hypoglycaemic shock」點解呢?

(最好有中文解釋, 英文也可以的...)

回答 (1)

2007-04-26 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
hypoglycaemic shock = 因血糖過低而因至的休克
hypoglycaemia: decreased blood glucose, attended by anxiety, excitement, perspiration, delirium or coma (血中葡萄糖含量減少, 可伴隨出現焦慮,興奮,出汗,譫妄或昏迷)
shock: circulatory disturbance produced by severe injury or illness and due in large part to reduction in blood volume (hypovolaemic, oligaemic). There is discrepancy between the circulating blood volume and the capacity of the vascular bed. Initial cause is reduction in circulating blood volume; perpetuation is due to vasoconstriction, therefore vasoconstrictor drugs are not given. Its features include a fall in blood pressure, rapid pulse, pallor, restlessness, thrist and a cold clammy skin (嚴重損傷或疾病引起的循環障礙, 大部分起因於血容量減少(低血容量,血量過少). 循環血容量和血管牀容積之間不相符合. 最初原因是循環血容量減少, 繼之是由於血管收縮, 因此不要用血管收縮藥物. 其特徵包括血壓下降, 脈速, 蒼白, 不安, 口渴和皮膚濕冷)
參考: churchill livingstone concise nurses' dictionary

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