
2007-04-25 10:22 pm

回答 (4)

2007-04-25 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Various sole responsibilities committee possibly not yet catches upwith and the convention conference discusses for the first timebudgets the report, at the appointed time the financial verificationgroup meeting referred for various sole responsibilities committee inthe past the disbursement record, the advance 釐定 some amount tookthe disbursement budget, treated various committees after its fiscalbudget report, taught the province finance to discuss officialbusiness to be able again to adjust the whole year disbursement tosubscribe decides in the year to revise the budget report
2007-04-26 3:02 am
Various sole responsibilities committee not yet arrives on time the convention conference to discuss the budget report for the first time possibly, at the appointed time the financial verification group meeting referred for various sole responsibilities committee in the past the disbursement record, arranged some amount to take the expenditure budget in advance, treated various committees after its fiscal budget report, taught the province finance powwow to adjust the whole year disbursement to schedule in again the year to revise budget report
參考: Dictionary.com Translator
2007-04-26 1:15 am
Various sole responsibilities committee possibly not yet arrives on time the convention conference to discuss for the first time budgets the report, at the appointed time the financial verification group meeting referred for various sole responsibilities committee in the past the disbursement record, arranged some amount to take in advance the disbursement budget, treated various committees after its fiscal budget report, taught the province finance powwow to adjust the whole year disbursement to subscribe again decides in the year to revise the budget report
2007-04-25 10:52 pm
There is no conference conducted by Committee regardeing budget plan report. If there is a conferece later, the finance verifying team will consult the past expence record, and make a budget plan. After the accept voting process of all committees, The Education Administrative Council will modulate whole year expenses and revise a mid-year budget plan.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:54:31
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